Is Bed Bug Control Safe For Kids And Pets?

Whether it is bed bug control or for that matter any type of pest control, you need to understand that it would have some effects on your premise. Yes, it may not be safe for children and pets. But, if the pest control solution does it professionally and if the company is a licensed one then you can expect the best results. In bed bug control there will be the use of pesticides and chemicals. But, if you have pets and kids in your home then there are a few things that you can do in coordination with the pest control company to enhance the levels of safety. Read on to get the relevant information on this.

Have An Open Conversation With The Pest Control Person About The Presence Of Pets And Kids

It would be better if you can have an open conversation with the pest control company. You should inform them about the presence of pets and kids on the premises. You can ask them that while doing bed bug control, do you need to shift them to the other area? 

Also, it would be better to get an understanding of how they are going to spray the pesticides and what would be the protocols after doing that. Once you get this idea, things will not be as tough for you. You will be able to make the decision.

You Can Request An Organic Pest Control

For keeping safe you can request an organic pest control solution. In chemical-free and organic pest control, there would be better levels of safety and there would be a toxin-free environment. If you get ahead with these solutions then the bed bugs infestation will reduce and finally negate and there will be no issues for pets and kids.

You Have To Get Rid Of Pests Like Bed Bugs With Relevant Solutions

Just because you have kids at home, you can’t say a no to pest control. If there are bed bugs or other pests in your home, that will be a tough situation. With thorough bed bug control, there would be the removal of bed bugs. The presence of these pests can create skin rashes, bite marks on the skin, several illnesses, and allergic reactions. Thus, make sure that you arrange some alternative solutions to keep kids and pets and get the pest control done. This will help you in bed bug control.


Some people who are allergic to pesticides should move out while pest control treatments are being done on the premises. Thus, before the pest control expert comes to your place, try and understand what kind of pesticides and insecticides they are going to use in your area. These things will give you a basic idea about how you would safeguard things. At times, you may face some level of confusion while making the decision. So, be ready to plan things in such a way that there are basic avenues available and you can take the final call over what needs to be done.

Can Dog and Cat Fleas Live On Humans?

Beware! Fleas have entered your house. Is your dog scratching or biting itself? Have you noticed that your pets spin erratically and fleas jump out of them? Yes, there can be a serious flea infestation and that too can be problematic for your pets. But what if these blood-sucking creatures jump onto you? Terrifying, right? Now, your first concern would be for your pets as they would have to face a lot of problems because of the fleas. But again a thought rushes in your mind, “Can pet fleas live on humans?” Well, today, we are going to answer the same question for you. Read the whole blog and get answers to all your doubts. 

We explain to you how fleas can be harmful to us humans and what are the types of fleas that live on humans. If you ever had a flea bite, then you would have probably known that fleas can cause problems to humans too. Let’s clear all these doubts and understand the relation of fleas with humans. 

Clearing Doubts On Relation Between Humans and Fleas

So, can dog and cat fleas live on humans? Exactly not. Do not get relieved by seeing this because fleas might not dwell on human bodies but they can inhibit human dwellings. This can be in the presence or absence of pets. Fleas on humans can bite you but cannot live on you. There are many kinds of fleas and each kind of flea prefers a specific kind of host. Did you know there is a particular kind of fleas called human fleas? Yes, you heard that right. Human fleas mostly prefer to live and feed on humans or pigs. However, they are not so common in homes and developed cities. Because these kinds of fleas can be seen only in places near to wildlife. Farms can also get affected by fleas, especially if you have pig pens.

About Different Fleas

Speaking about cats and dogs, the most common types of fleas that are seen on your pets are Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis. Cat and dog fleas are formed in such a way that they could hide in the fur. The hairless body of humans anyway does not make a perfect spot for them to hide. But still, people living with pets have to face flea infestations. And once they reproduce, these fleas compete for blood and if they can’t get proper blood from your pet due to excess population, they can bite you! Fleas usually bite on your ankles or lower parts of your legs. These bites can be very itchy, especially when you are allergic to them. 

Fleas can live in your home in the absence of pets

Even though fleas rarely live on humans as discussed earlier, they can still live in your home in the absence of pets. At such times, the only option for them to feed on is humans. So, if they infest your house and could not find cats or dogs to feed, they will definitely consider you to be their meal. This is because fleas are not host-specific which means they prefer cats and dogs as their host but they can happily feed on either of the cats and dogs and also on humans sometimes. Nevertheless, scientific research and study show that our body is difficult for fleas to attach and also that they do not provide enough heat for their survival.

Ask Experts About Fleas And Their Control Methods

By now, you might have understood that flea infestation is never harmless. In fact, flea infestation has the potential to cause harm to humans too. Anyhow, we cannot control all kinds of fleas and if their population is large, then it becomes even more difficult. That is why it is always better to leave flea problems to the professionals. 

We at Pest Control Newtown have a professional staff of flea controllers. They are well trained, certified, and licensed to provide all kinds of flea control services. All of them have great knowledge of fleas and they know how to remove them using unique methods. So, if you ever face a problem with fleas at your home, without panic you can call our professional pest control team immediately. We will reach your place as soon as possible and start the flea extermination treatment right away.